Life easily gets busy when the demands of work and family combine. Often it doesn’t leave much time for exercise and looking after ourselves.
Here are five easy stretches to relieve aching muscles from sitting at a desk all day. They can be done at your desk while sitting throughout the day, but make sure at least one set is done standing up, to give your spine a rest from compression. So many of the ailments we experience in our modern lives are from sitting in chairs!
Sit up!
Were you craning your neck forward reading this newsletter? Retaining good posture is so important for the wellbeing of our spine and entire body. Start by sitting up straight and bring your head into alignment with your spine. An easy way to do this is to tuck your chin in, then imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head, lengthening your whole spine. Put a post it note on your
computer that reminds you to sit up!
Neck rotations
Draw big circles with your head to give your neck and shoulders a good stretch. Start with your head down to your chest, inhale bring your right ear toward you right shoulder, continue the rotation and when your head is back exhale to bring your left ear to your left shoulder. Continue five times in this direction, then change and repeat in the opposite direction.
Shoulder Rolls
Inhale and bring your right shoulder to your ear, exhale roll it back and down. Repeat three times on each side, alternating between left and right. When you’ve finished your shoulder rolls, inhale and bring both shoulders up towards your ears, exhale to release. Continue this three more times.
Side Stretches
Stand (or sit) with feet hip width apart. Inhale, bring your arms out to the side, then up over your head with palms facing. Exhaling clasp your left hand with your right hand. Inhaling stretch over to the right, feeling a stretch down your left side. Exhaling come back to centre and release your arms down. Continue three times on each side, alternating between left and right with each stretch.
Open Chest Stretch
Sit forward on the edge of a chair, and bring your arms behind your back, palms down to clasp the back of the chair. Inhale and lift your chest, then exhale and release your shoulders. Take 10 breaths in this pose. Then release your hands back down to your side.